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on art about women & feminism

Some time in the 1970s and 1980s, the women's movement in the so-called First World seemed to move away from addressing the demands that women must be viewed and treated as equals in our society and our economy. And much of what was labelled "feminist art" seemed to follow that mould.

In Southern Africa, in contrast, the liberation movemenmt stated that the emancipation of women must be an integral part of national liberation. Indeed, apartheid laws separated and oppressed people on the grounds of gender as well as on the grounds of race. But although the new constitution recognises gender equality, many women activists feel that the new "non-racial, non-sexist, unitary and democratic" governmentswept this aspect of the liberation struggle under the carpet.


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All artwork by J Seidman on this site is made available for use under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Art on feminism & women


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